QubitThe Building Blocks of Quantum Computing

From VQC Require Export Matrix.
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import Bool.
Amazingly, Coq doesn't have this in its standard library, despite having 5 variations on the same. For now, we'll prove it ourselves. For good measure, we'll prove another version too.
Lemma pow2_sqrt : x:R, 0 ≤ x → (√ x) ^ 2 = x.
Proof. intros; simpl; rewrite Rmult_1_r, sqrt_def; auto. Qed.

Lemma pow2_sqrt2 : (√ 2) ^ 2 = 2.
Proof. apply pow2_sqrt; lra. Qed.

Lemma pown_sqrt : (x : R) (n : nat),
  0 ≤ x → √ x ^ (S (S n)) = (x * √ x ^ n)%R.
  intros. simpl. rewrite <- Rmult_assoc. rewrite sqrt_sqrt; auto.

Lemma sqrt_neq_0_compat : r : R, 0 < r → (√ r)%R ≠ 0.
Proof. intros. specialize (sqrt_lt_R0 r). lra. Qed.

Lemma sqrt_inv : (r : R), 0 < r → √ (/ r) = (/ √ r)%R.
  replace (/r)%R with (1/r)%R by lra.
  rewrite sqrt_div_alt, sqrt_1 by lra.

Lemma sqrt2_inv : √ (/ 2) = (/ √ 2)%R.
  apply sqrt_inv; lra.

Lemma Csqrt_inv : (r : R), 0 < rRtoC (√ (/ r)) = (/ √ r).
  intros r H.
  apply c_proj_eq; simpl.
  field_simplify_eq [(pow2_sqrt r (or_introl H)) (sqrt_inv r H)].
  rewrite Rinv_r. reflexivity.
  apply sqrt_neq_0_compat; lra.
  apply sqrt_neq_0_compat; lra.
  field. apply sqrt_neq_0_compat; lra.

Lemma Csqrt2_inv : RtoC (√ (/ 2)) = (/ √ 2).
Proof. apply Csqrt_inv; lra. Qed.


Let's start with the basic building block of quantum computing : The qubit
Notation Qubit := (Vector 2).

Definition WF_Qubit (ϕ : Qubit) : Prop := ϕ† × ϕ == I 1.
Note that this is equivalent to saying that ϕ,ϕ = 1, which partially explains the notation for qubits below.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, recommended (WF_Qubit_alt)

Prove this statement.
Theorem WF_Qubit_alt : ϕ : Qubit, WF_Qubit ϕ ↔ ⟨ϕ, ϕ⟩ = 1.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Definition qubit0 : Qubit := fun i jif (i =? 0)%nat then 1 else 0.
Definition qubit1 : Qubit := fun i jif (i =? 1)%nat then 1 else 0.

Notation "∣ 0 ⟩" := qubit0.
Notation "∣ 1 ⟩" := qubit1.
A brief aside : Emacs and other text editors, as well as a famous xkcd comic and any well-developed aethestics, don't like seeing left angle braces without corresponding right angle braces. (Blame here goes to Paul Dirac.) Since emacs' auto-indentation will probably go out of whack at this point in the file, I recommend disabling it via M-x electric-indent-mode.
With that done, let's show that our two "basis" qubits are indeed proper qubits
Lemma WF_qubit0 : WF_Qubit ∣0⟩. Proof. lma. Qed.
Lemma WF_qubit1 : WF_Qubit ∣1⟩. Proof. lma. Qed.

Lemma qubit_decomposition : (ϕ : Qubit), (α β : C), ϕ == α .* ∣0⟩ .+ β .* ∣1⟩.
  (ϕ 0 0)%nat, (ϕ 1 0)%nat.


The standard way of operating on a vector is multiplying it by a matrix. If A is an n × n matrix and v is a n-dimensional vector, then A v is another n-dimensional vector.
In the quantum case, we want to restrict A so that for any qubit ϕ, A ϕ is also a valid qubit. Let's try to figure out what this restriction will look like in practice.
Lemma valid_qubit_function : (P : Matrix 2 2 → Prop),
  (A : Matrix 2 2) (ϕ : Qubit),
  P AWF_Qubit ϕWF_Qubit (A × ϕ).
  intros A ϕ p Q.
  unfold WF_Qubit in *.
  unfold inner_product in *.
  rewrite Mmult_adjoint.
  rewrite Mmult_assoc.
  rewrite <- (Mmult_assoc (A†)).
  instantiate (1 := fun AA† × A = I 2) in p.
  simpl in p.
  rewrite p.
  rewrite Mmult_1_l.
  apply Q.
We will call these matrices unitary for preserving the unit inner product
Notation Unitary n := (Matrix n n).

Definition WF_Unitary {n} (U : Unitary n) := U † × U == I n.
Transparent WF_Unitary.
We'll start with three useful unitaries: The identity (I), the Pauli X matrix (X) and the Hadamard matrix (H):
      X = 01         
Definition X : Unitary 2 :=
  fun i jif i + j =? 1 then 1 else 0.
      H = 1/√2 * 1  1
                 1 -1
Definition H : Unitary 2 :=
  fun i jif i + j =? 2 then -/√2 else /√2.
      Z = 1 0
          0 -1 
Definition Z : Unitary 2 :=
  fun i jif i + j =? 0 then 1 else if i + j =? 2 then -1 else 0.

Lemma WF_I : WF_Unitary (I 2). Proof. lma. Qed.
Lemma WF_X : WF_Unitary X. Proof. lma. Qed.
Lemma WF_Z : WF_Unitary Z. Proof. lma. Qed.

Lemma WF_H : WF_Unitary H.
  unfold WF_Unitary, Mmult, adjoint, H; simpl.
  by_cell; try lca.
  - apply c_proj_eq; simpl; try lra.
    repeat rewrite pown_sqrt; simpl; lra.
    apply sqrt_neq_0_compat; lra.
  - apply c_proj_eq; simpl; try lra.
    repeat rewrite pown_sqrt; simpl; lra.
    apply sqrt_neq_0_compat; lra.

Definition q_plus : Qubit := (fun _ _ ⇒ /√2).
Definition q_minus : Qubit := (fun i jif i =? 0 then /√2 else -/√2).

Notation "∣ + ⟩" := q_plus.
Notation "∣ - ⟩" := q_minus.
It's worth noticing that if we apply a Hadamard twice, we get our initial state back:
Lemma Hplus : H × ∣+⟩ == ∣0⟩.
  unfold H, Mmult, q_plus.
  by_cell; try lca.
  apply c_proj_eq; simpl; try lra.
  repeat rewrite pown_sqrt; simpl; lra.
  apply sqrt_neq_0_compat; lra.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, recommended (Htwice)

Prove the general form of double Hadamard application
Theorem Htwice : ϕ : Qubit, H × (H × ϕ) == ϕ.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Solving equations with square roots

We're doing more work than we would like to solve equations with square roots. Here are a few tactics that build on what we've done above to extend field_simplify and field to deal with roots.
Ltac nonzero :=
  repeat split;
  try match goal with
  | ⊢ ?xRtoC 0 ⇒ apply RtoC_neq
  repeat match goal with
  | ⊢ √?x ≠ 0 ⇒ apply sqrt_neq_0_compat
  | ⊢ (/?x)%R ≠ 0 ⇒ apply Rinv_neq_0_compat
  match goal with
  | ⊢ __lra
  | ⊢ _ < _lra

Ltac R_field_simplify := repeat field_simplify_eq [pow2_sqrt2 sqrt2_inv].
Ltac R_field := R_field_simplify; nonzero; trivial.
Ltac C_field_simplify := repeat field_simplify_eq [Csqrt2_square Csqrt2_inv].
Ltac C_field := C_field_simplify; nonzero; trivial.


Measurement is a probabilistic operation on a qubit. Since there are (generally) multiple possible outcomes of a measurement, we will represent measurement as a relation.
Note that some measurements, those with 0 probability, will never occur.
Inductive measure : Qubit → (R * Qubit) → Prop :=
| measure0 : (ϕ : Qubit), measure ϕ (Cnorm2 (ϕ 0%nat 0%nat), ∣0⟩)
| measure1 : (ϕ : Qubit), measure ϕ (Cnorm2 (ϕ 1%nat 0%nat), ∣1⟩).

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (measure_sum)

State and prove that the sum of the measure outcomes for a valid qubit will always be 1. Hint: Compare the definitions of norm2 and inner_product.
Lemma measure0_idem : ϕ p, measure ∣0⟩ (p, ϕ) → p ≠ 0 → ϕ = ∣0⟩.
  inversion H0; subst.
  - reflexivity.
  - contradict H1. lra.

Exercise: 1 star, standard, recommended (measure1_idem)

Lemma measure1_idem : ϕ p, measure ∣1⟩ (p, ϕ) → p ≠ 0 → ϕ = ∣1⟩.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma measure_plus : ϕ p, measure ∣+⟩ (p, ϕ) → p = (1/2)%R.
  inversion H0; subst.
  - R_field.
  - R_field.
  - sqrt_solve.
  - sqrt_solve.


Exercise: 2 stars, standard, recommended (measure_minus)

Lemma measure_minus : ϕ p, measure ∣-⟩ (p, ϕ) → p = (1/2)%R.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
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(* Thu Aug 1 13:45:52 EDT 2019 *)