
April 2024 An Algebraic Language for Specifying Quantum Networks with Anita Buckley and the team at USI Lugano was accepted to PDLI 2024! The paper introduces BellKAT, our new language for software defined networking and verification.

November 2023 Our AFOSR proposal for Random Testing Across the Quantum Software Stack, with Leonidas Lampropoulos at UMD, was accepted!

September 2023 Gave a talk on Quantum Computing from a PL Perspective at Purdue’s PurPL Colloquium!

May 2023 The journal version of A Verified Optimizer for Quantum Circuits was accepted to TOPLAS!

April 2023 Our paper A Formally Certified End-to-End Implementation of Shor’s Factorization Algorithm was accepted to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)!

December 2022 I received an AFOSR Young Investigator Research Program award to conduct research on Formally Verifying Graphical Quantum Calculi!

December 2022 Kartik published a blog post on the Q# blog on λQ#: Understanding and Evolving the Q# Programming Language!

November 2022 Qunity: A Unified Language for Quantum and Classical Computing was accepted to POPL 2023!

November 2022 Thanks to Kartik, we now have a mailing list for Quantum Programming Languages and Verification! Subscribe here.

September 2022 PLanQC 2022 was a big success! There were a total of two invited talks, nine accepted presentations, and eight posters! I presented Q*: Implementing Quantum Separation Logic in F* and Kartik and Ben presented the posters Beyond Separation: Toward a Specification Language for Modular Reasoning about Quantum Programs and VyZX: A Vision for Verifying the ZX Calculus, respectively! Ben also gave a tutorial on Verified Quantum Computing!

June 2022 Q# as a Quantum Algorithmic Language, MCBeth: A Measurement Based Quantum Programming Language, Qunity: A Unified Language for Quantum and Classical Computing, and VyZX: A Vision for Verifying the ZX Calculus were all accepted as talks at QPL 2022!

April 2022 I gave the keynote Writing and Verifying a Quantum Optimizing Compiler at Compiler Correctness 2022.

March 2022 The Chicago Quantum Programming Languages Laboratory (ChiQP) now has its own website! Thanks to Kartik Singhal for his hard work in setting this up.

January 2022 Gave a talk at the Quantum Computing Center on Quantum Programming Languages: What they are and what they could be. Video to follow!

December 2021 Kartik’s Quantum PL & Verification Bibliography now contains a quantum programming languages pronunciation guide! Yes, QISKIT is messing with you.

October 2021 Held an Ask Me Anything at SPLASH!

July 2021: PLanQC 2021 was a tremendous success! Thanks to my coorganizers, Matt Amy and Ross Duncan, who helped put together such an amazing program, and to the organizers of PLDI 2021! And congrats to everyone (including my collaborators) who got to present!

March 2021: Our follow-up work to VOQC, demonstrating the power of the SQIR programming language and verification tool, was accepted to ITP 2021!

January 2021: VOQC wins a Distinguished Paper award at POPL 2021! Write-ups by UMD, UChicago, and us on the SIGPLAN blog!